Feedback von Männern
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    Daniele, 39 Jahre
    Italy, Arezzo

    Yes, i've found a special girl right here.. incredible , thanks to everyone , every day you do a great job .. congratulations, Dani
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    Clive, 47 Jahre
    United Kingdom, Dudley

    I have found someone from here thankyou
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    Miguel Angel, 36 Jahre
    Mexico, Mexico

    Las chicas, son personas muy serias, y reales yo ya he encontrado demasiadas amigas. Y todas son personas muy amables y sinceras.
    Es una pagina muy profesional.
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    Massimiliano, 40 Jahre
    Italy, Firenze

    se e possibile la vorrei contattare solo lei mi ha profondamente colpito sia il profilo che come donna se sarete grati di farmi questo grandissimo piacere vi ringraziero x tutta la vita ! lei è llyana ha 27 anni ed è ucrainia di kharkiv grazie infiniti
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    Turushan, 26 Jahre
    Turkey, Mugla

    Siteniz çok güzel. Farklı kültüürlerden insanlarla tanışmak çok hos
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    Kelvin, 49 Jahre
    USA, Columbus, OH

    i wish to get my wife here
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    Bucho, 29 Jahre
    Mexico, Tamaulipas

    Saludos a todas las chicas bellas de Esta pagina.
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    Massimiliano, 40 Jahre
    Italy, Firenze

    io spero di trovare la donna della mia vita lo desidero tanto e vorrei dedicare tutto il mio amore ,rispetto ,e onesta !
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    Dan, 49 Jahre
    USA, Greensboro, GA


    Natalie, 34 Jahre
    Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya

    Great site, highly recommended.
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    Lino, 41 Jahre
    Italy, Napoli

    già mi è capitato di essere iscritto e devo dire che sono molto seri e ti da la possibilità di conoscere nuove persone.... il mio voto e ottimo...
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    Volker, 33 Jahre
    Germany, Dortmund

    Found my love
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    claude graas, 49 Jahre
    Luxembourg, Dudelange

    i found the woman here
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    Jose, 41 Jahre
    Spain, Alicante

    Hay que ser perseverantes porque al final es posible encontrar a alguien especial que quiere lo mismo que tú.
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    Jokela, 34 Jahre
    Finland, Keski-Suomi

    Kiitos Teille. hyvä sivusto!
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    Jo, 27 Jahre
    Sweden, Stockholm

    we will meet soon and things will be better!
    long time but finally x)
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    Todd, 54 Jahre
    USA, Las Vegas, NV

    The woman that I found on your site and spent almost a year and a half dating, she lied on her finacee' paperwork and was denied her visa. So our relationship has ended, but your site and everyone that I have dealt with from the owner through 3 managers, everyone has been very friendly, helpful and nothing less than professional!!! I think very highly of this site and would recommend it to anyone wanting to meet Russian women. Thank You all for such an enjoyable experience. Respectfully, Todd Killian
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    Willy, 63 Jahre
    Germany, Other

    Ich habe nur Worte des Lobes , dass Ihre Seite ein . Sie waren sehr freundlich und versucht zu helfen . Ich werde wiederkommen. Ich wünsche Ihnen Erfolg und Fortschritt und Modernisierung der Seite.
    Danke für alles !
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen !
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    David, 32 Jahre
    Portugal, Lisboa

    The site is very well done...i hope i have already found my special one...that is why i am deleting my profile...but congratulations for the site
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    Fabio, 43 Jahre
    Italy, Latina

    ho trovato la persona credo che cercavo
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    Adam, 38 Jahre
    Belgium, Gent

    W wiekszości osoby zarejestrowane na portalu to osoby naprawde poszukujące swojej drugiej połówki.ja znalazłem.Pozdrawiam wszystkich
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